Your slimming & shape toolbox, naturally!

You want to get in shape or keep it, follow your diet, your physical activities and your daily evolution :

Discover our slimming and fitness tools to help you!
It's simple and convenient, without stress or frustration.

Free registration !

Your personal review


Define your menus, and your physical activities through a simple and user-friendly interface.


With the calorie counter, you can easily see the calories or Weight Watchers points consumed, and the composition of your meals as essential nutrients.

To save time, you can directly generate your shopping lists and menus of the week and print them.

Follow your evolution with your weight curve, waistline and automatic calculation of your BMI.


Keep motivated !

Set personal goals, stay motivated, and reach your goal.

With your friends and our community, you can find support and share your experiences !



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Menu Nature

Calorie counter and slimming tools

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