Your slimming & shape toolbox, naturally!


The complete toolbox to follow your wellness !

12 tools to help you :

to feel good, to follow your slimming progress or fitness exercices,
to have a balanced diet adapted to your lifestyle and your body,
and keep or regain energy.

We wish you success and well being !




Complete dashboard

My meals, activities, goals and friends in one page

Go !


Calories counter


Energy from food and sports

Easily Count Calories and WW Points

Go !


Food diary


Keep your diary

Compose your meals easily, add your comments, without counting.

Go !


My balance sheets


Complete assessment

Analyze my data, check reference inputs to better progress

Go !


My graphs


My progress

Plot my weight curves, BMI, waistline and custom data

Go !


My measures


Track my measures

Track the evolution to plot the graphs

Go !


My goals


Define my goal(s)

Choose one or more objectives and move towards the target

Go !


My statistics


My full progress

All the useful indicators to know where you are

Go !


BMI calculating


Body Mass Index

Evaluate your corpulence and any associated risks

Go !


Listes de courses


Organize my grocery

Save time and print my list

Go !




Organize my meals

Plan and balance the week meals

Go !




Download in CSV

My food, activities and measures

Go !



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  • comment-optimiser-ses-apports-en-vitamine-pp

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Menu Nature

Calorie counter and slimming tools

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